Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Financial and Physical Hardship

Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand.
Psalm 37:24 NLT

Each day that passes I often wonder why? Why am I left in this world to struggle? Why does it seem our pay check never stretches as far as we would like it too? Why can we not give to our daughter that which others can? Why do I even ask why?

As I drive down our former neighborhood Auction notices, foreclosure signs bombard what used to be a nice average neighborhood. Front yards have become run down with signs of damage to the outside of homes is now present. I often ask myself did we make a mistake moving on? Selling our home for much less than it was purchased for? Could we have found some way to keep the home?

The answer… No. Why would we have? As we reside comfortably within the walls of our apartment I relish in the sanity that has found our family. No longer are there heated discussions over the monthly mortgage and having to take away from one payment to give to another. Rather now we plan, we anticipate, we look towards a brighter future.

Did we stumble? Way more than others. Did we fall? But of course…. Did we land on our feet and feel the presence of the Lord catch us as we felt hopeless. Of course. Our Lord never fails. Though we at times fail ourselves, we feel as if we fail others we never fail.

The Lord lifts us up in his time. I used to hate the term “the Lord never gives you more than you can take.” To me this was a lame argument for people who claimed to do more than they actually would. How hypocritical do I feel now. Realizing that the Lord did give me what I could handle and when I felt it was too much he lifted the burden and gave us a resting place.

In life we can only fail ourselves. God has given us the armor to fight this battle and win, to forget our battle meaning and to let go is to relish in our own failures and faults. To basically become asleep at the wheel that we call life. I don’t know about you but personally falling asleep at the wheel is not something I wish to be remembered for. Let us not let one day pass when we feel as if we have failed ourselves. Let us instead relish in the love that is our Lord. Pick up, dust ourselves off and move on….

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