Monday, December 14, 2009

Common Sense, may be easier than we think

Hebrews 6:1 "He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest. He is a shield to those who walk with integrity."

A verse to remember for the day! Common Sense…. That must be one of the hardest to have during this holiday season. We want to make our children happy, our husband or wife smile.

All in all what we should focus on and be thankful for are those around us!

This past weekend a local rock climbing gym held a Jacket Fundraiser, bringing in any new or slightly used jacket would give you an afternoon of free climbing at Threshold Climbing Gym in Riverside, California.

The shock was not the outpouring of clothing items but the giving that young children brought to the event. Being that Riverside, California has a few climbing gyms, it was not long before all gyms had donations for the fundraiser drive.

The old, young, all ages brought in bags of jackets, new with tags or used just once, children brought in bags of non-perishable items, everyone showed their love, most brought in bags and when offered the free climb time simply said, thanks but no. Let us go back to the common sense of life, if you see someone on a street corner, stop and give him or her; the beanie you may be wearing to keep him or her warm, give him or her; the water bottle you may not have opened yet.

Spend this Christmas giving happiness to someone else. Forget about what you have under the tree and give thanks to God for he gives you that shield of love and protection, so that you may walk in integrity and give to another.

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