Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas ... Putting Faith where it belongs!

Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.

Psalm 25:5 NLT

Putting hope in the unknown. Not such an easy task. Belief in something that you can not touch, see, smell, taste, how then can we truly believe? People in general during these hard holiday times are already stretching every dollar. Now the asking for faith, for belief in the untouchable. How can it be?

This year yes we have a bit few presents underneath our Christmas tree with no wish to add more to the pile, no funds to add more we have learned to be content with what we have. My husband and I, since we said I do have passed on giving each other presents in lieu of buying just one or two more for our daughter.

Every year however, we put our faith in God to provide, every year he has. This year unlike many years past my husband and I have learned to rely on the idea that God gave us each other. That being his biggest gift to the both of us. Our daughter, limited her Christmas list, and even asked “Santa” to bring presents not for her but for a family friend who is in a tighter situation.

Tonight, friends, I ask of you put your faith in the Lord, he will provide, he will save and teach those who believe and trust in Him. So rather than stressing over buying your sixteen-year-old a Ipod instead rely on the Lord, if he wishes for the Ipod to be purchased he alone will make it happen!

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