Thursday, November 5, 2009

The World of Today... Army Major Kills 11

Reality… what is it? Is reality the thing that hits you when you when you feel there is no escape. Is reality that little voice in the back of your head telling you to open fire on innocent soldiers? When did our world become the critical, over -bearing world we live in? When did reality become a form of self serving gratifying works? Why does the entry way for evil always exists? Why is faith considered for the weak?

Many questions I could ask all night long and never get one firm answer. No instead what I would receive is a mired of weak, strained or even anger driven excuses for why people allow hatred to serve as their main power source. How hard is it to wake up for once and open hearts and minds to those in need? How many lives could have been spared today? What 11 men and women serving their nation dead… for what? For a war? For a man who just couldn’t face deployment? For a man who couldn’t put this faith in God?

What is happening? Some would say the end of times, others like myself just believe this is the down fall of humanity. No longer can you walk down the street in Southern California and simply say hello to a passerby without them grabbing their purse and pulling it closer or grabbing their child or my absolute favorite glaring at you as if you were their 13 year old daughter caught rolling your eyes.

Is it just me or has the good ole’ American faith disappeared? Has the will to help others vanished with our morality and general human decency? I won’t lie here, I have been there done that, read the book, went back for seconds you name it I have done it, tried to do it and either succeeded or failed; either way its experiences good and bad that make me the mother and wife I am today. When it comes to faith why do I believe in it some may ask? WHY NOT? I have been seeking one good reason to not believe in the faith of my Lord or a higher power. Seeking answers in Scientology, the Mormon Church, Catholicism, Judaism, even the Muslim belief and none of them could answer one question… why not believe in God. Many offered suggestions, some even offered psychological reasoning but not one could deny that faith, belief in moral grounds and dignity were not failing in our world as a whole. Now today… a man in a position of honor, a man most would walk down the street and consider a hero, I say most but sadly that is hardly the case in the world of today. It was not that long ago I contemplated enlistment, believing that the world of military life would be one of stability, pride, honor, a life I could be proud of. Our Lord had a plan for me, a plan of motherhood which I gladly accept. After hearing news reports, yahoo reports, why I ask… why would a man of such honor, be pushed to that limit? What would possess one to pass on the knowledge of right and wrong and sacrifice the lives of others. Now there will be idiots out there who simply put… “don’t you know why?” or even more ridiculous claims of “those people can’t be trusted” instead of looking inside of their own self .

In closing tonight… I ask you all… if you walked the downtown city streets tonight. For me it would be the city streets of Downtown Riverside California, and came across a homeless person, man or woman, let’s assume the temperatures will drop below 50 degrees tonight, would you offer your warm coat? Would you offer a dollar even to get them a warm cup of coffee from the local store? For most we would say no, we did not put them there, they made their own choices, they can stay in a shelter. Yes, they very likely could but would you? In my last blog noticed a woman who only had $20.00 to get her through the next week, what if that was you? What if all you had was the fifty cents in your pocket and a child to feed? Would you sell your material items to make ends meet and rely on faith to get you by? What does faith mean to you? Is the weak faith of a soldier fearing deployment running from the world in the hands of a weapon, taking lives to end his pain and build pain in others? Or is your faith in the hands of a higher power, Christian, Buddhist, Catholic, Muslim, Jewish, Baptist, you name it I’ve tried it and not just for week, for some a year for others 2... Searching for my reality and my faith…. Where will you find it? At the bottom of a bottle, end of a crack pipe, top of a lighter, butt of a cigarette, signature of your spouse on divorce papers… find faith now…. Find faith in morality, in humanity, in each other, in God, in Jehovah, in Allah. Something but find it. Find a reason to live, a reason to love, a reason to believe.

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